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Nutrisnacks are proud manufacturers of Shirwood Biltong. Shirwood Biltong is made to the highest specifications using only the finest ingredients at our F.S.A audited facility in Cape Town, South Africa.
Our nationwide sales team work together to ensure Shirwood Biltong is never out of reach. Product consistency, quality and on time delivery ensures that we enjoy good working relationships with the country's leading convenience retailers.
Shirwood biltong is Halaal approved and is made using energy produced from solar power.

Nutrisnacks Proud Manufacturer of Shirwood Biltong
We have expanded our online catalogue! The new product include Snaxels. We would not have come this far without your support and we thank you for that. To all our loyal online Shirwood Biltong clients you can be rest assured that you'll still receive the same impeccable service and fresh products that you have become accustomed to!

Eco-Friendly Biltong

Premium Quality

100% Halaal
4 Gibbs Close, Sheffield Business Park, Philippi, 7785, Western Cape, South Africa
Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 3:30pm
Friday 8:00 am - 2:30pm
Saturday & Sunday : Closed
Phone : 021 690 0900